1. |
Provide full details of the reclassification
2. |
Number of securities outstanding and reserved for issuance following the reclassification
3. |
Describe the anticipated impact of the reclassification on the liquidity of the market for the listed security and on voting and equity rights of public shareholders
Date of shareholders’ meeting to approve the reclassification
Record date for the reclassification
6. |
Certificate of Compliance
1. |
The undersigned is a director and/or senior officer of the Issuer and has been duly authorized by a resolution of the board of directors of the Issuer
to sign this Certificate of Compliance.
2. |
As of the date hereof there is no material information concerning the Issuer which has not been publicly disclosed.
3. |
The undersigned hereby certifies to the Exchange that the Issuer is in compliance with the requirements of applicable securities legislation (as such
term is defined in National Instrument 14-101) and all Exchange Requirements (as defined in CNSX Policy 1).
4. |
All of the information in this Form 12 Notice of Proposed Stock Consolidation or Reclassification is true.
Oren Shuster
Name of Director or Senior Officer
“Oren Shuster”
Chief Executive Officer
Official Capacity