Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

TAXES ON INCOME - Disclosure of detailed information about reconciliation of tax expense and accounting profit (Details)

TAXES ON INCOME - Disclosure of detailed information about reconciliation of tax expense and accounting profit (Details) - CAD ($)
$ in Thousands
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Dec. 31, 2022
Dec. 31, 2021
Major components of tax expense (income) [abstract]      
Loss before income tax $ (9,457) $ (26,060) $ (164)
Statutory tax rate in Canada 26.50% 26.50% 26.50%
Statutory tax rate in Canada $ (2,506) $ (6,906) $ (43)
Increase (decrease) in income tax due to:      
Non-deductible expenses (non-taxable income), net for tax purposes (122) 1,764 (4,208)
Effect of different tax rate of subsidiaries 169 599 310
Adjustments in respect of current income tax of previous years 195 (16) (21)
Recognition (derecognition) of tax benefit in respect of losses of previous years 1,565 0 846
Unrecognized tax benefit in respect of loss for the year 1,432 4,037 4,093
Other adjustments 38 (616) (477)
Income tax expense (benefit) $ 771 $ (1,138) $ 500 [1]
[1] Reclassified in respect of discontinued operations - see Note 25.